Tuesday, 24 December 2019


This is what I did to Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza when I was an IDF soldier. It's time to tell you the truth and break the silence.

(COMMENT) I’m Iranian but if I had possibility I would ready to serve in Israel army against this terrorist. Most media are against Israel including U.N too. God bless Israel and who bless Israel forever.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Dershowitz, Human Rights and Israel

The entire concept of condemning Israel for it’s human rights record is absolute hypocrisy. Dershowitz uses the word – hijack – when he refers to the fact that Israel has the best human rights record in the world compared to every other country that is involved in conflict.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Arab-Israelis Combat BDS

A group of Arab-Israelis went to take on the BDS movement on American college campuses, often facing heavy backlash. Reservists on Duty and Minority Project coordinator Jonathan Elkhoury discusses the experience with host Jeff Smith.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Second 'Son of Hamas Leader ' Defects

Mosab Yousef, known as the 'Green Prince' and 'Son of Hamas' came out years ago to protest against the organization's policies and governance in Gaza and beyond. Now, his brother, Suhib, is also speaking up.


  Heart breaking seeing the emacimated hostages.