Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Israel Is Not an “Occupier”

International law defines “occupation” as one power occupying the lands of a foreign sovereign. In Israel's case, Israel is not occupying any foreign sovereign’s land; Israel entered the area known as the West Bank in 1967 and took over the authority to administer the land from Jordan, which was never considered to be a sovereign in the area.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Israeli Team Donates shoes to Kenya’s Lacrosse Team

Usually when any type of sporting event is over, it doesn't end with hugging and gifts. However, two women's lacrosse teams representing Israel and Kenya changed that. When a parent noticed the Kenyan team had no cleats, he stepped up. Israeli team member Amit Burstein said that one little idea sparked something special. "Shows how even one idea like that, one person who decides to start that kind of project, can change their lives," Burstein told As's Stephanie Officer reports, the gesture went above and beyond true sportsmanship.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Rocket Barrage, Hospital Evacuates Neonatal Intensive Care

ASHKELON — At the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, doctors evacuated the children and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) to safe rooms after 160 rockets hit Israel Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

False Charges that Israel Is Racist

Every few years there is a voice that emerges which seeks to brand Israel or its leaders as racist. The most famous case of this anti-Israel charge was the decision of the UN General Assembly in November 1975 to brand Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, as racism. Israel's ambassador to the UN at the time, Chaim Herzog, speaking in the name of the Jewish people as a whole, responded by saying that the resolution was based on hatred, falsehood, and arrogance. It was devoid of any moral or legal value.

Syrian activist to UN: “I testify before God: Israel is not the problem!”

  UN Watch joint statement delivered by Rawan Osman, in the United Nations Human Rights Council Powerful!! This lady had the guts to say wha...